This top question asked amongst students on campus is a large one, and we want to address any and all questions related to the Student Activity Fee.
The Student Activity Fee is charged to your student bill automatically for each semester that you attend Michigan Technological University, and differs amongst graduate and undergraduate students.
The Student Activity Fee differs between undergraduate and graduate students. All students are required to pay the Student Activity Fee, but students can take advantage of the many benefits that it provides to the campus community!
$60 / semester
for undergraduate students
$50 / semester
for graduate students
A ton of things that you see and do on-campus are funded or covered by the Student Activity Fee! There's so much you can get out of the SAF for so little!
The Student Activity Fee supports over 175 student organizations. This includes many campus favorite organizations like the Outdoor Venture Crew, Mitch’s Misfits, and Pep Band. Student organizations use their budgets to create some of the most popular events on campus including Diwali Night, the Drag Show, and Evening With Industry.
The SAF also supports six Special Budget Group Student Organizations (MUB Board, Film Board, SLS, WMTU, The Lode, and USG). These organizations bring everything from weekly blockbuster movies to beloved traditions like Stuff a Husky to much needed student services like the Break Bus.
Your Student Activity Fee works hard to continue many of Michigan Tech’s greatest traditions. Welcome Week, K-Day, Homecoming, Winter Carnival and Spring Fling. If you’ve enjoyed the Fireworks, Stage Revue, Royalty competition, or many other Winter Carnival activities, you can thank your Student Activity Fee.
The Student Affairs uses your Student Activity Fee to support a host of programs that enhance student experiences at Michigan Tech. The Community Service Initiative takes students into the local and global community to affect positive change through support for events like Make a Difference Day and Alternative Spring Break.
The Leadership Initiative helps huskies grow into passionate servant leaders by supporting Leadershape and Husky Lead events. Your Student Activity Fee brings world renowned comedians, musicians, and performers to Houghton through Late Night Programming. Michigan Tech students get out and enjoy nature on the tech trails, the Keweenaw and beyond through equipment rentals and guided trips hosted by the Outdoor Adventure Program.
Your SAF also helps provide other initiatives including Wellness, the Challenge Course, and Student Leadership Awards.
New Student Organizations need money and resources to get the ball rolling. Through the Opportunity Fund, the Student Activity Fee is able to help establish new and exciting Student Organizations every year.
If an RSO has a crucial piece of equipment break right before their big tournament, they need to replace important safety equipment in order to continue their activity, or they want to get a new piece of equipment that makes their organization even more effective, the Student Activity Fee Reserve Fund is here to help meet those needs.
Organizations are able to apply for these funds once per year. The Reserve Fund has been used for trailer repairs, boat repairs, helmets, pads, and even a brand new bouldering wall.
Michigan Tech students have tenacity, so it is no surprise when student organizations advance to higher level competitions, get invited to exclusive conferences, or develop new and exciting events mid-year. The Opportunity Fund helps bring student organizations to new heights by supporting events that were not budgeted for in the previous budget year.
The Student Activity Fee's Reserve Fund can be used to make improvements to Michigan Tech’s Campus. The most recent campus improvement project was the installation of Free Menstrual Product dispensers all across campus.
These projects are made possible by efforts from the Undergraduate Student Government body.
(906) 487-2406